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Many organizations, groups, businesses, cities and towns love the White River and have plans for the future. Read on for more details on some of the exciting plans, projects, and initiatives.

White River Vision Plan
The White River Vision Plan is a community-driven plan in Hamilton County and Indianapolis that explores the enormous potential of our river to enhance regional vibrancy, ecological integrity, livability and economic vitality. This generational plan seeks to guide investment and improvement all along the river through a system of guiding principles and illustrative case studies.

Central Indiana Water Study
A scientific study exploring current and future supply and demand of water resources in the Central Indiana region.

White River Regional Opportunity Initiative (READI)
A regional economic development collaboration inspired by the White River Vision Plan for three counties – Hamilton, Madison, and Marion – and eight communities: Anderson, Carmel, Fishers, Indianapolis, McCordsville, Noblesville, Westfield, and Zionsville.

Hamilton County South River District Study
A deeper dive into a portion of the Meadow Reach of the White River Vision Plan for the area between 116th and 146th Streets, including the Conner Prairie River Education and Ecology Center.

Conner Prairie Master Plan
Conner Prairie has many initiatives to help build a lasting impact for decades to come, including a River Education and Ecology Center.

Strawtown Koteewi Park Master Plan
Detailed master plan for Hamilton County Parks & Recreation’s Strawtown Koteewi Park.

Broad Ripple Park Master Plan
Detailed master plan for IndyPark’s Broad Ripple Park completed in 2018.

Riverside Park Master Plan
Detailed master plan for IndyPark’s Riverside Park completed in 2017.

Riverside Adventure Park Master Plan
Detailed master plan for a portion of Riverside Park for the conversion of a former golf course into an adventure park completed in 2021.